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Key Pilates: Best Pilates Instructors in Frederick
Key Pilates is proud to sponsor these amazing organizations. Because we believe paying it forward is paramount in feeding the human spirit, giving back to our community is one of our top priorities. We recognize the sacrifice and often thankless job of our military, first responders, and educators by giving them 10% off all services. Then we help support Hero Dogs and SHIP of Frederick County, two organizations closely tied to our community’s heroes and teachers. Last but not least, in memory of an amazing woman who lost her fight against Pancreatic Cancer in 2018 and without whom Key Pilates would not exist, we raise funds for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. 

Hero Dogs

Hero Dogs, Inc., a Maryland 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, improves quality of life for our nation’s heroes by raising, training, and placing service dogs and other highly skilled canines, free of charge with lifetime support of the partnerships.

Student Homeless Initiative Partnership

The Frederick County community came together in late 2013 after learning that there are literally hundreds of children within FCPS that are encountering homelessness each year.

PanCAN was the first organization dedicated to fighting pancreatic cancer in a comprehensive way, and for more than two decades, we’ve grown a nationwide movement tackling the disease from all angles.

This mission hits close to home for us. Learn about Lauren's stepmother's journey here.


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